Drunk Drama Queen

This is what happens when a dipsomaniac drama queen has a little too much time on her hands. She rants, she raves, she's random...enjoy

Friday, May 18, 2007

Wadda Hell??

I have been up since 12:30 am.

I was sleeping peacefully beforehand, until the sound of a police helicopter and the cop on the PA system woke me up.

I have no clue what they were saying- it sounded like Charlie Brown Teacher noises, "Waa wa waa waaaaa, wa waa wa waaaaa"

They had the spotlight on so I know they were looking for either an Alzheimer's patient loose about town...... or a serial killer inches away from my front door. ..

In all actuality I was perfectly safe. My complex is gated, and I live on the second floor.

It still scared the hell out of me. Every time I calmed down to go back to sleep- BAM! There would be the helicopter with it's bright spotlight shining into my window- and the Charlie Brown loudspeaker going off...... It shouldn't of frightened me...but it did. My mind just kept coming up with elaborate stupid scenarios blowing it all out of proportion...

With the first pass I thought-
"okay, It's probably a felon that just broke out of prison and he is probably in the bushes outside"
Second pass- " He's now probably in the complex, I wonder what he went to prison for and how did he break out?"
Third pass-" Okay, the Serial Killer Rapist Cat Burglar toting a Machete and Jason mask is tapping on my door"

I couldn't find anything online about what the hell was going on (still haven't)... but I couldn't sleep after that so I just stayed up......

My staff are wondering why I am a zombie this morning.... I told them Charlie Brown and his GOD DAMN helicopter kept my ass up all night.

They are starting to look into Alcohol Treatment Facilities to throw my ass into-(A-la-Britney)

If any of you kiddies read this and know what happened, wake my ass up and let me know!!


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  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger photo_chiq said…

    Damn girl there is nothing like having to "get up" for work in the morning after a rude awakining like that. I feel your pain with the staff issue. Staff always assume you should be at your best all the time! It happens to me all the time.... Heres to hoping you get an amazing nights sleep tonight!

  • At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haven't heard nothing about any escaped killers or rapists. Just a 80 yr old alhzihemers {{sp}} patient that went missing..But that was a few days ago. Hope the copter gets outta yer arse soon . Sleep good

  • At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hope you caught up on your rest. Didja ever find out what it was about?

  • At 8:02 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    When I lived in San Antonio I was driving home one night and as I was coming up to an intersection the light turned yellow so I punched it so I wouldn't have to stop in a questionable neighborhood. About two minutes later the police helicopter had it's spotlight on me. I screamed out the window "GOD DAMNIT IT WAS YELLOW THE WHOLE WAY".

    Luckily they were chasing somebody else and the cops flew past me.


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