Drunk Drama Queen

This is what happens when a dipsomaniac drama queen has a little too much time on her hands. She rants, she raves, she's random...enjoy

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Now THAT'S pissed!!

The other day while driving to rehearsal, I saw something rather odd.

Now, keep in mind, that I live downtown in a major metropolitan area. I have seen some pretty bizarre shit...
I've heard people scream outside Dorothea Puente's House in the middle of the night, " Help me, help me- Da Bitch is trying to stab me"

I've been accosted by numerous panhandlers.

I've been told by a woman who lives in a shopping cart that Jesus talks to her pet Iguana named Irving. But Irving doesn't listen because he's agnostic. She wishes Jesus would talk to her instead, because she, unlike Irving, is a Christian.

I've even been chased by a homeless man in a wheelchair. (That, kiddies, is another story for another time)

But nothing compares to what I saw that afternoon. I was stopped at a red light, in a somewhat quiet residential street.

There was a young man- in his late 20's or early 30's, kinda grungy looking.....
(now, I know you are saying , "Uh, DDQ??? There is nothing odd about that" - Well, humor me for a few moments, will ya?)

He was standing on top of the roof of a Green Honda Civic.
There was a young gal locked inside and screaming with all her might....

and the guy was peeing on the hood of the car.
Yes, that guy was up on the roof of the car, assuming the pee pee stance...... and PISSING onto the hood!

Now coming from a party school..and living downtown I have seen people pee before. I've seen drunken coeds peeing in the alley behind the bar. I've seen my drunk ass college roommate pee in the curb outside a club. Hell, I've even seen an actress (in a wedding dress) piss in the greenroom sink right before her entrance! But at no time have I ever before seen someone piss while standing on top of a car with such bravado and confidence....

I don't know how long he'd been holding that in.. or how much he drank beforehand.. but that dude was pissing for quite sometime. The light I was at changed TWICE -before someone behind me started to honk and I had to leave- and it seemed like he was still peeing as I left.

Now I have been so angry at someone that I have threatened to go pee on their tires... I never have carried it out, though. If I was so brazen to actually go carry that thought out- I would go in the dead of the night and drag someone,like Q1, as a lookout or backup... I have never been that -pardon the pun- "pissed" to actually do it in the middle of the afternoon like that!

That, my kiddies, is pretty "pissed off"!!


  • At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How does a girl pee on a tire? I'm confused. Hey, I have sisters, I've seen things. But wouldn't it just run down your leg? Where's the satisfaction in that? I would be warm on a cold night but.... xxxpaulie

  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    You really need to carry a camera with you at all times. A video of this would have been perfect.

    "I've even been chased by a homeless man in a wheelchair. (That, kiddies, is another story for another time)"

    Oh, I can't WAIT for that story!

  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Drunk Drama Queen said…

    Paulie- It's all a question of angles, trust me, it can be done.....and that's ALL I am going to say about that.LOL

    Jay- carrying a camera around is a good idea...hmmmm....
    and on another note, the first three years I moved to Sacramento I was chased by 4 different homeless people....it was a running gag with my friends....

    Q1- laugh? I almost wet my pants....

  • At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey Q2-just wanted to let you know that I've deleted my blog d/t work issues. Evidently I've also inadvertently deleted by blogger account as well..

    -the artist formerly known as the pirate

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger Drunk Drama Queen said…

    Avast ye hearty- you'll be missed!
    I do hope it's not the last we've seen of you.....

  • At 11:38 AM, Blogger Sassy said…

    omg..heehee...If someone was pissing on the hood of my car. I would of got our and risked getting pissed on to knock his ass down..


    I will miss you pirate *sobs*

  • At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You has seen some WIERD shit woman!!! Saints preserve us!! rofl... But me agrees that this guy musta had some confidence and bravado and/or just a hell of a lot of nerve to do that in DAYLIGHT!! rofl... Hope ya had a good laugh..Had it been me seeing it me would has wanted to roll down me window and hollar something rude at him .. But being me is rather shy and tries to be unnoticeable me wouldnt have. But me would has lmao oh yes.

    Me thinks Q1 would be an excellent lookout for ya.. Oh me is just picturing the two of ya.. OH ME NERVES!!!!! If ya does it pic's plz??? rofl ;) ;)

    Artist formerly known as Pirate: oh me is gonna miss reading yer stories.. Hope ya comes back and its not the last we has heard of ya.. :( :( :( oh so :( ..

  • At 12:48 AM, Blogger Lee said…

    Very funny. I started working at a pizza parlor a few months ago. It's staffed with young 20's kids, who have nothing better to do after work than drink, so there's always a car or two left in the lot due to carpooling.

    About a month ago, after the restaurant had shut down, one of the cooks came out and saw another guy's car left in the lot. He then proceeded to take a big, steaming dump on the hood, grab some(rubber gloves, of course), and smear it on the inside of the passenger door handle, knowing full well that the guy's girlfriend was with him and would be riding home w/him that night.

    Needless to say, it was a sh*tty situation for all involved.

  • At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Annie, Get Your Gun-Im back;)
    Weekly column on Tuesdays at
    called any port in a storm...

  • At 4:59 AM, Blogger Blondie said…

    Oh man--sounds like something that would happen in Chicago, too. Did you get the feeling that these two people knew each other or that the man just chose the woman randomly?

  • At 3:11 PM, Blogger Actress Andrea said…

    You sure you weren't in San Francisco??

  • At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've peed on enough hoods (and livestock and groceries and computer keyboards) for both of us, DDQ. This one's on me.

  • At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok so to bad the day I read this post, I was driving to work and i was by Sacramento City College and on the ramp right before the school this old man was standing with his pants around his ankle peeing. It made me think about you!!! I love your stories SO much!!!!!

  • At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just one of the many benefits to living downtown.

  • At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey georgeous!!! how have you been? Havent heard from you in a while.

    miss you :(

    You gonna see Shawn in Greater Tuna? Im goin' on Friday. I r very excited.

    Drop me a line and let me know what's up.

  • At 8:19 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Heyyyyyyyy .. feel free to update anytime. ;-)

  • At 9:44 PM, Blogger Sarcasma said…

    Could you imagine someone calling 911 to report that?

    Dispatcher: 911, what's the emergency.

    caller: there's some guy standing on top of a green Honda pissing on the hood. And there's a girl trapped inside!

    Dispatcher: Uhh, could you repeat that?

    caller: some guy! he's peeing on the hood of a car!

    Dispatcher: All units, be advised we have a male urinating on a green Honda. Driver of vehicle is inside screaming. YES, I said PEEING ON A VEHICLE.

    Ahh, the joys of Sacramento.

  • At 9:17 AM, Blogger Drunk Drama Queen said…

    Sorry for not posting in forever..
    but theatre and work are whooping my butt....
    I plan on posting again soon..
    much love to all..

  • At 11:12 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!! said…

    OMG, that is a pisser mate!!! Seriously though, what a skanky dog to do that!!! Not sure if it is worse than spitting or not, probably comes in a close second to it though.
    I would have gotten a baseball bat and slammed his penis with it, dirty person!!!

  • At 11:13 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!! said…

    OMG, that is a pisser mate!!! Seriously though, what a skanky dog to do that!!! Not sure if it is worse than spitting or not, probably comes in a close second to it though.
    I would have gotten a baseball bat and slammed his penis with it, dirty person!!!

  • At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL that's hilarious. She should have started the car up and took off.

    My most memorable pee experience was when I was babysitting a little boy and I had to put him in the time out corner. When I looked in on him he was standing there peeing all over the wall. I asked him why he did that and he said "I was mad at you"...oh well at least he was honest.

  • At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Birthday To You!!!!!!!!

  • At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Hope its a good one!!!!!!!!!

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Freddie said…

    Happy birthday!

    (You ever coming back?)

  • At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    come back:(

  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger Jay said…


    Happy Birthday. Whenever it was. haha

    Feel free to update anytime!

    Are you there?




  • At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Birthday! QoD sent me.

  • At 5:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    A new post would be nice or a note to ''someone'' who could maybe explain yer disappearance could be helpful. A new post?? YUP YUP



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