Drunk Drama Queen

This is what happens when a dipsomaniac drama queen has a little too much time on her hands. She rants, she raves, she's random...enjoy

Friday, May 11, 2007

Well,I thought my three year break was over...

I thought I was in the free and clear.

I figured- it's been three years- there should be no way it would happen again.

The area isn't dominated by homeless people anymore, there shouldn't be a reason why I would be accosted or chased again.


This morning at 7 am I go out to my car. My carport is in the alley behind the complex. The alley is usually pretty quiet since it has 16th street on one side of it, and that street is really busy. I open up my passenger side door and throw my work bag in. As I am shutting that door, at the end of the alley (about 8 yards away) I hear, " Motha Fucker took all my shit" really loud.
I think ,

" Great- a batshit one- Stay calm, he probably doesn't see you, just go about your business".

Well, he did see me. Stops turns and stares at me and proceeds to scream at me,
" That's right Bitch, I'm gonna put my fist through your fuckin' mouth"
and starts to come at me.

I have no where to go quickly, but in my car. I run to my drivers side door, get in and start it (which automatically locks the doors). He's screaming the whole time charging at me,
"that's right. Bitch…" yada, yada, yada.

He's now at my driver's side window- still yelling and screaming at me and telling me what he's gonna do to me (The schpiel sounds familiar, I am thinking it could be the same guy 6 years ago back on 17th and N- the guy that said he was gonna rape me)

I can't find my cell phone- it's at the bottom of my work bag (it fell out of it's little holder when I tossed my bag in the car)

So I think quickly and hit the panic button on my car alarm. My car alarm goes off and he backs away and covers his ears. I throw my car into reverse and get the hell outta there.
He was still screaming when I left…
And Happy Fucking Friday……
After my cruise, I need to start looking for a house…



  • At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank the stars ya had a car alarm!! Fuck me runnin, me thought the neighborhood me lived in was Hell. Sounds to me like ya got the USA version of Helltown , Southern Ontario. Glad nothing happened and ya ended up really seriously harmed..

    Me thinking yer right. Start looking for a place be4 ya leave for the cruise and maybe just maybe ya will be lucky when ya gets back you will be able to move. Me heart goes out to you Q2.

    Take care of yerself. Is Mace legal where you live??

  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger Betty said…

    At least, start carrying pepper spray. Sometimes, even hair spray will buy you some time, if you get 'em right in the eyes.

  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger BBG said…

    I'll start getting lists together!! Let's get this going!!

  • At 7:30 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Holy Crap! Yeah, you definitely need to be carrying pepper spray (check the wind direction before spraying though) and maybe one of those personal alarms on a key chain.

    Or a gun. I don't know how far things have to go before you can shoot someone in Cali though.

    How 'bout a flame-thrower?

  • At 8:07 AM, Blogger Dayngr said…

    Surfed over via Queen of Dysfunction - That is some scary shit! I would definately say a move is in your future. What a creepy freak. Consider carrying a tazer too.

  • At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ninja Throwing stars
    Pepper Spray
    Small Hatchet
    Brass Knuckles
    That should get you thinking!

  • At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Damn. Scary!

  • At 6:44 PM, Blogger barista grazioso said…

    Jesus Mary & Joseph! I'm so glad you're alright. I hope you find a new place soon. Seriously, start packin'. Well, get a license first and learn how to use the thing so you don't kill the neighor's kid or anything. One less homeless crackhead means more oxygen for everyone else. I'm sorry that happened.

  • At 4:16 PM, Blogger Marc said…

    Changing neighborhoods won't help - those guys are mobile.

    When I lived in the Fab 40's fifteen years ago, there used to be this guy with Tourette's who'd bicycle down Folsom like a bat out of hell, shouting epithets, and being real scary. After a while, I got used to him. Now, I miss him.

  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger Amberthyme said…

    Adopt a ninja! Carry him around in your purse and break him out whenever you need a butt kicking device.

    Seriously though, can't your dad hook you up with a taser or something?


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