Drunk Drama Queen

This is what happens when a dipsomaniac drama queen has a little too much time on her hands. She rants, she raves, she's random...enjoy

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My sad life......

Last night (in the few hours I was able to catch some zzzzz's -damn Insomnia sucks) I had a lovely dream.

I was in an Irish castle with Liev Shrieber (yummy yummm yummm).

He was wearing a white collared dress shirt with the top three buttons undone.. and a black blazer- kinda rumpled- as if we just came back from a dinner party..

It was completely romantic. There were candles, a roaring fire in a HUGE fireplace with one of those big fuzzy white bear skin rugs in front.

We were dancing……...

gimme a moment……..

Sigh…… (savoring the memory)

He spins me outside into a courtyard and begins nuzzling my neck.
I am about two seconds away from turning into melted butter..
He kisses me…
He goes back to my neck..
And starts kissing my shoulder..
Then oddly starts licking my shoulder feverishly….and keeps licking- working down my arm..
He is licking it so hard it starts to hurt….
And not the good kind of hurt..

I wonder what the hell kind of freaky dream is this?? I start to wake up..
And realize it's my damn cat CC -up on the bed, going to town, licking my arm…

Thank GOD I woke up before the dream went any further.. It could have gotten REALLY embarrassing..
Apparently CC had a salt deficiency or something.. He spent almost 20 minutes licking my arm..
Damn spazoid cat…

Helluva dream though.. That's my new happy place…(sigh)


  • At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG........me had a feeling something wierd was gonna happen when ya said........"Then oddly starts licking my shoulder feverishly….and keeps licking- working down my arm..
    He is licking it so hard it starts to hurt….
    And not the good kind of hurt.."

    You definitely need to lock the 'spazoid cat' outta yer room an finish that dream..OH YEAA!!!! WHOOOOOHOOOOOOO.....Just imagine what could happen??????? LMAO

  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    That cat doesn't know how close of a call that was! LOL He could have been traumtized for life!

  • At 7:26 PM, Blogger Sassy said…

    oooo that dream was sounding good until I found out it was the cat doing the licking lol.

    Its almost my bedtime and I'm hoping to curl up in bed with a little Paul Walker...

    PS I know i'm late in commenting but the flu was kickin my ass

  • At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i hope CSI was worth it. because the show... you would have been super entertained... very cold but good


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