Drunk Drama Queen

This is what happens when a dipsomaniac drama queen has a little too much time on her hands. She rants, she raves, she's random...enjoy

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lunch tomorrow with Q1

I am so excited!
I am having lunch with the
Queen of Dysfunction tomorrow!!
I haven't seen her in many months.... I cannot wait to catch up. She is bringing her camera so I KNOW we'll both have a story for you as soon as we can.

I am pretty sure we'll stay sober- since I have to return to work, and she'll have to go pick up her 6 year old from school..

You would think living 20 minutes from one another we would see each other more often- but we suck.. we get so wrapped up in life we forget to take time out for one another.... but it's nice that since we've known each other so long- we don't get offended and we understand. We pick up right where we left off...

Hmmmm- Q1- should I tell the tale of our bar night many moons ago- with Ole Click-Click and Bubba?


  • At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Q2 that story about Ole Click-Click and Bubba sounds like a dozzie of a story. Me waiting for Q1's response to that. Oh yes me would love to hear it. Me sees it whatever it is, it gotta be gooooood. rofl rofl

    My bad......**in corner sulkin and pouting for being bad bad girl wanting to now about it but it sound like fun teeheehee**

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Lunch with QofD? I'm jealous of both of you. So what are you having for lunch? Olive Garden? Red Lobster? Chili's? I can't really think of anything better than those places.

  • At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like great fun! If I weren't thousands of miles away and three hours ahead I'd ask if I could crash.

  • At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No one ever takes me to lunch.
    Must be the leprosy.

  • At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yo, DDQ. Do you have my email? Email me, I got questions.

  • At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey snot dog... No one ever takes me out to lunch. **pouts in corner** Well it been over a year at least since me been taken out for a lunch so yer not alone. And me doesnt think me has leprosy. Maybe me just to nasty to take out. LOL

  • At 5:51 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!! said…

    Isn't it amazing, I live 10 minutes drive from my best friend and we do not catch up as often as we would like..her kids go to different schools to mine and so forth. Also, I work when she doesn't and vise versa..plus she is doing her course to become a nurse just as I AM a nurse....frustrating..but when we do make it together it is fun. Last time, we got the karaoke out for the kids...Playstation..and We took over..haha.

  • At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hope you had a great lunch - can't wait to hear all!


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